
Accounting,Volume 75, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 69-80
Published online February 3,2023
太田 康広*
* 慶應義塾大学大学院教授
《要 旨》
A Critical Review on the Déconstruction of Management Accounting
Yasuhiro Ohta*
* Professor of Accounting, Keio University
In the keynote speech titled "Déconstruction of Management Accounting" at the 78th national meeting of the Japan Accounting Association, the speaker claimed that he deconstructed the accountability concept. He alleged that a firm should pursue infinite responsibility for others and prioritize contributing to society as a whole, even in the case where the firm sacrifices the welfare of its shareholders and employees. However, his normative judgment relies on vague concepts such as déconstrution, justice, and responsibility. It fails to demonstrate the effectiveness of déconstrution.
déconstrution, management accounting, accountability, value relativism, French philosophy
責任編集者:福井 義高
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